Happy New Year!
Well, City Commander looks awesome, Ironhide looks awesome, Dinobots look awesome!
Happy New Year!
Well, City Commander looks awesome, Ironhide looks awesome, Dinobots look awesome!
Please keep in mind these are only concept images! To view more in-depth images, click the link: http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/universe-classics-20-29/tf-club-tfc-004-gear-of-war-weapon-set-166498/.
Inferno's ladder will be a relief to customisers wishing to give him a ladder! I personally wil see how this pans out, if it turns out to be well priced, I will get it!
Source-TFW2005, Home Source-TFClub
Source-TFW2005, Home Source-52Toys
EDIT: Thanks to Optimus747, we now have our first look at their robot modes!
As you can see, Skywarp has Movie Thundercracker's head, Ramjet has Movie (original) Starscream's head, and there are still NO hands. Purple Animated Shockwave will be released as a Target exclusive two pack with Animated Activators Bumblebee somewhere in 2009.
Not getting any of these figures, even if the two jets have new head molds.
HK-TF has posted some new (blurry) images of Universe Ratchet:
Universe Ratchet will be released alongside Universe Hot Shot in March 2009.
Well, guess for guys who can't afford Henkei, it is a great update from the original G1!
Source-TFW2005, Home Source-TF08 and HK-TF
News Article by StuntPrime35-
On New Years Day, on either myself's, Disguy's, Patrick's or mabye all of our channels, the UniverseTF Transformer Toy Awards 2008 will be hosted. Hopefully, this will become an annual thing for a nice welcome to 2009, 2010 etc vid. To vote for which figures you think deserve glory in this incredible competition, go to the forums!
Be sure to pick up the issue as it has many behind the scenes stuff!
Just like the first film, the official content that starts us off has no robots. I'm afraid I won't be excited until we see the robots.
Source-TFW2005, Home Source-Empire
Only time will tell if they are repaints of the Thundercracker/G1 Deco Starscream or indeed entirely new head molds!
I personnaly am not too fussed on them, although for people who wanted to complete the Starscream/Thundercracker/Skywarp Seeker trio, this is very good news.
Source-TFW2005, Home Source-Ebay
Universe Inferno is out now, Henkei Cyclonus is due out January 2009, Universe Ratchet and the B&W Mickey Mouse Transformer are due out February, while MP Grimlock and Alternity Megatron are out March 2009.
E-Hobby has given us our first coloured look at Henkei Hot Road (Shot) and Jolt!
As you can see, not many differences from his Universe twin apart from the chrome. But one major thing is the fact that he has what appear to be spring-loaded arm lasers. It is to be noted that the last time we heard about this on the Universe version, they were possibly going to be cut for budget reasons! Henkei Hot Road is to be released in March 2009 alongside his Universe twin.
s250 has posted yet more pictures of Revenge of The Fallen Legends Classes Optimus Prime and Jetfire. He notes that Jetfire has a scratched out Decepticon insignia on his back, similar to Armada Wheeljack's cut Autobot insignia, and that it's not a mistake! He's got three of them, all the same. To view the images, click the link:http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/transformers-movie-9/more-new-images-of-revenge-of-the-fallen-legends-jetfire-and-optimus-prime-166470/.
1: All good looking figurse apart from Universe Ratchet, Mickey Mouse and Alternity Megatron, I'll try and get as many as I can!
2: The blasters have just made my Universe/Henkei choice much harder. If the blasters come with the Universe version, it's hands down Universe, if they don't, I've got a hard decision to make...
3: As I've said before, I believe that Jetfire turns good somewhere after half-way in the movie. As for the toys, not interested.
Source-TFW2005, Home Sources-Figure King Magazine, E-Hobby and s250
Sunstorm is to be sold in a two-pack along with Activators Ratchet as a Target exclusive in 2009.
EDIT: GenZhao has posted a mini-gallery! To view it, click the link:http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/animated-8/more-images-of-target-exclusive-transformers-animated-sunstorm-166463/
StuntPrime35's Opinion: If I am able to get this, I damn well will!
TakaraTomy has updated their website! Updated are:
- Henkei Cheetor
- Henkei Hound
- Encore Trailbreaker
- Encore Hoist
All these figures are out this month!
StuntPrime35's Opinion: I will be getting Henkei Hound and Ravage. Cheetor I will be getting from the Universe side of things and the Encores I'm not too worried about.
Higekuma Toy Toy Blog has posted a mini-gallery of Henkei Cheetor! To view it, click the link:http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/universe-classics-20-29/new-image-gallery-of-transformers-henkei-cheetor-166460/.
StuntPrime35's Opinion: Unfortunately, Universe Cheetor is just one of the those figures on which there is hardly any stuff to "chrome out". That is why I mark this product EPIC WASTE OF MONEY!
Deceptigtar has posted the first review on the upcoming Toys'R'Us exclusive, Universe Darkwind (Darkwing). He notes that the SFX stays the same but instead of the eyes going green, they go red! To see the whole review AND the mini-gallery, click the link:http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/universe-classics-20-29/images-and-first-impressions-of-toys-r-us-exclusive-universe-darkwind-166462/.
Sources-TFW2005 and Seibertron, Home Sources-TF08, TakaraTomy and Higekuma Toy Toy Blog
This is a heavily armoured Decepticon spaceship, possibly pointing towards Blackout being the "Omega Supreme" of the Decepticons.
Um, i don't like it.
Source-TFW2005, Home Source-s250
As well as this being the first Autobot/Decepticon combination in history, this is also the first ever Legends Class combination! If you wish to see the other images, click the link: http://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/spoilers-new-images-of-rotf-legends-prime-and-jetfire/14808/.
Oh yes.... This probably points to Prime being a Leader class and Jetfire at least being a Voyager.
Source-Seibertron, Home Source-TF08
Article By: UniverseTF news crew.
Every week the crew of UniverseTF Will be nominating 1 person every week, who has helped out the Universe one way or another, to be proclaimed as the fan of the week.
-So why would you want to become fan of the week.
Well if you've been crowned fan of the week, you've probably helped us out in some way shape or form, so we're going to return the favor by helping out your site or Youtube channel. Once we've notified you that you will be fan of the week. Simply tell one of the news crew here at UniverseTF what you want us to help you promote and we shall post it FRONT PAGE here on UniverseTF. If you know us from youtube, and you want us to help you promote your channel. Tell one of us your channel name, and we will take 1 video from your selection (you choose which one) and have it Autoplay on the front of StopMotionJR's channel for at least 8 hours for everyone to see!!! The name and a link to your channel will also be posted on the UniverseTF home page.
We will also have other smaller segments Included in this video, one of our favorites is The Figure of the Month. This Segment will be us telling you what figure, on shelves as of that date, should be on your top priority to get.
Another Segment will Be Discussing the Current Poll on UniverseTF.com, Telling people what the poll is, our opinion, and what people have been voting. We will also ask the audience what the next poll should be about. Also if you come up with the topic for the pool you will be given credit for it.
Ok and don't forget while your on the forums to post what you've seen as far as transformers news is concerned. Just click on the 'news' discussion, and post what has happened in the TF world. BUT don't forget to post YOUR OPINION about the story. And if you are the first to post this story in the Universe forums, it will be posted FRONT PAGE, with your name in the credits and YOUR opinion posted with the news story.
NOTE: to be a candidate for fan of the week you must be a member of the UniverseTF forums. Click the "Forums" button at the top of the page to register.
These two will be released in April 2009.
Smokescreen I am not too bothered about at all as there look to be not that many differences from his Universe version. I am however very excited about Red Alert. Takara is seeming to be building up this reputation now for bringing out stuff BEFORE Hasbro. I will be interested to see if Universe Red Alert will be one of the last Universes before Revenge of The Fallen hits the toy shelves.
Source-TFW2005, Home Source- Digital Toys
As you can see, we have our first look at Grimlock's mind-transfer device in colour, and also how his eye colour change works.
MP Grimlock looking better and better with every pic! Megatron I am not too fond of though.
Source-TFW2005, Home Source-Dengeki Hobby