Saturday, February 28, 2009
Article By TransformerAreCool:
Peaugh of Youtube has reviewed the upcoming Megatron from Revenge of The Fallen toy line. Megatron is a Cybertronian tank like the "Transformers Ultimate Guide" depicts. There is a conversion sound with the legs like the movie premiums, ( & ultra powerglide for the leg part) This time there is no blue or light/white plastic, although it isn't as dark a premium Megatron. Also, of course, this video shows the interesting transformation. It also says " I am MEGATRON!"You can view the video HERE.
TAC's Opinion: I think that this a really NEAT leader class, I think I will get him. I love the transformation, but the HUGE arm is a little drawback... It really depends. I think the cannon noise and talking gimmick is neat, although could get annoying if the button got stuck.
News Article By TransformerAreCool:

Yayabee (peaugh's Mike/Genzhao) has uploaded an extensive gallery of Transformers ROTF leader Megatron. You can view the gallery here. It shows the figure in tank and robot form, giving comparisons with other Megatrons, like the first movie, and Classics. Some of the pictures show the pose-ability of the figure, which make it look more posable than previous pictures would tell us.
TAC's Opinion: Actually that leader megs looks nice... I might pick it up! The poses are nice and the tank is solid, much better than the 1st movies for sure! I can't wait for a review and to see Transformation.
Article By Destron23
Golden Age Toys has released hints at what will come for the first few waves of Revenge of The Fallen.
These toys are:
DELUXES:Case 1: Green Eco Car, Desert Brawl, Truck Bot, Street Motorcycle and Smoke Screen
Case 2: Cannon Bumblebee, Barricade, Wolf and Eco Car Orange
Case 3: Satellite and Bumblebee
Case 4: Bumblebee, European Sports Car, American Sports Car, Bulldozer and New Jet
VOYAGERS:Case 1: Optimus Prime, Starscream, Red Excavator and Ironhide
Case 2:Optimus Prime, Ironhide, Voyager Alien Form and Autobot Ratchet
LEADERS:Optimus Prime and Megatron
TAC's Opinion: I think this is really neat! I really want Sideways, Sideswipe, Fallen, and the Constructicons. Mudflap and Skids have faces that are to weird, hopefully a remold and repaint come. The rest of these seem awesome, although its a little odd Jetfire wasn't mentioned in this. I think ROTF is going to please, Skids & Mudflap as an exception, all the fans of the movie designs.
*I also Posted this, but Destron23 posted a minute before me.
Source: Golden Age Toys

Didn't want the story up until two countries had a air date, but it seems that the last ever season of Transformers Animated will air in both Canada and America on March 14th, exactly 2 weeks from now! Also, the first three synopsis' have been revealed! Note that the first episode is a 90 minute special!
- Saturday, March 14: 'TransWarped' - As Sari and Sumdac deal with the fallout from her shocking discovery, the Autobots try to contact Cybertron to warn them of the traitor in their midst. Meanwhile, Megatron inadvertently stumbles upon a new plan to take over Cybertron, where an increasingly desperate Longarm attempts to cover his tracks.
-Saturday, March 21: 'Where is Thy Sting?' - A crazed Wasp finds his way to Earth to exact his revenge on Bumblebee... but he doesn't count on the Elite Guard following him.
- Saturday, March 28 : 'Five Servos of Doom' - Sentinel has incredible success capturing fugitive Decepticons, leading Prowl to suspect he's getting help."
It will come out soon in the UK......

Friday, February 27, 2009
News Article by James-

New images have been posted for Gentei Thrust on it's exclusive retail site, Gambo Store. To see the other nine images, click the link:
Thrust will be released alongside Gentei Dirge in March.
Source-Gambo Store
Article By Destron23
eBay user, yayabeee has put up 2 auctions for ROTF Leader class Megaton and Optimus Prime. So far, Optimus Prime is going for $202.50 and Megatron is going for $102.50.
Source: eBay
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Article By Destron23
Youtube user comuswu has provided us with some more videos (He did the iGear Autoscout). This time he reviewed ROTF: FAB Jetfire, Rampage, Skids, FAB Long Haul and Bumblebee.
I'm not a big fan of this guy's videos, I want to see a review, not a transformation music video. But I suppose it is kind of him to post these videos for the fans to see. I'm really liking Rampage, Long Haul is the best Fast Action Battler I've ever seen, Bumblebee looks good, but I'm not buying another (at least the deluxe anyways), I'm sure FAB Jetfire will pale in comparison to Leader Jetfire and Skids would be perfect without the head or giant fist (He has quite a nice transformation).
Source: Youtube

Lets start with the bad news. A Hasbro vendor has slated the Transformers:Animated Toyline's END DATE as May 29th, conveniently coinciding with the Revenge of The Fallen Toyline release date! What else is interesting is how Universe hasn't been given an end date. Could this mean that Universe has taken Animated's place as the co-line against Revenge of The Fallen?! Anyway, looks like the only and last Animated toys of 2009 will be Electrostatic Soundwave and Arcee.
Now for the good stuff. S250 has released yet more spoilers about Animated Season 3:
Maybe season 3 is influenced by Kung-Fu Panda, there are a lot of kung-fu elements, such as Prowl having to perform TaiChi to open the door.
Prowl's master named Yokoiron, is killed by Lockdown.
Sentinel Prime met Black Arachnia, knocked off her helmet by lance, and was shocked by the face under helmet.
Jazz, Ultra Magnus, Dai Atlas, all ninja tribe.
Heavyload, one of ninja tribe ancestor, just a bust, no show.
Warpath, other ninja tribe ancestor, in Prowl's memory, and has a barrel on his chest....
That sucks for Animated, but I seriously hope that Universe will continue in Animated's place, I CAN'T DEAL WITH ONE LINE NOW to partly quote the great G1 Ultra Magnus.
Source-Tformers, Home Source-S250
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Article By Destron23
The has released more pictures of the Disney Label Micky Mouse. These new pictures include size comparisons and some pretty good detail shots. More photos can be viewed here.
News Article by James- have given us our first look at their upcoming Animated Ratchet Magnetisers set for release in their Accessory Pack #6! In fact, the whole Rachet figure is custom, with, as many of you sharp eyed people can see, a repainted head. To look at the magnetisers, here's the link. If you want to read the whole article, click this link:
This is very impressive, I just hope the price isn't too bad.

The two trailers will be out in April.
Love the box art! Very true to the original Classics. Still, no price yet from FansProject, so no pre-ordering for me...

Ok, so Revenge of The Fallen hits stores May, Alternity Megatron, March, MP Grimlock, March, Electro Disruptor Ligier, March, and everything else important, March....
I have made some changes of what I want to get. I've now gone Henkei for Dinobot, and I will also maybe get MP Grimlock for size accuracy.
Source-TFW2005, Home Source-Figure King Magazine
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
News Article By TransformerAreCool:

TransformerAreCool's Opionion: I think that is so cool! This figure is one of my favorite cars, has automorph technology & is made out of Die-Cast! I want the Silver one because I don't think Prime should be small, I will call the silver one Drift. This figure has really good poseability. It's not that bad the hands are not painted Silver like the box/prototype shows.
Source: toy-world forums, Tfw2005
Aricle By Destron23
The first figure for Botcon 2009 has been revealed and is none other than Kup! He is a repaint and remold of Cybertron Red Alert. More pictures of Kup can be seen here. His bio was also revealed:
"A young and adventurous rookie, Kup is in awe of both his comrades and the new worlds he has gotten to see. Nothing, though, will be able to prepare him for what comes next as he and his fellow teammates are faced with a mission that could change Cybertron and the Autobots ...forever!"
Also the website mentions that the Botcon souvenir toys will only be revealed at Botcon and there will be a Decepticon from Classics that will get an update.
I'm somewhat disapointed. The face sculpt definetly looks like a young Kup, but the body doesn't suit Kup at all! Even the colours aren't quite what they should be. I want to see the other toys. They sound a lot cooler, especially Scourge and Skyquake. I wonder what molds they'll use for the other characters? I could see Scourge being remolded out of Classics Megatron. Think about it. While not similar in alt-mode, the robot modes could be very similar. Classics Megatron has those big wings and so does Scourge, with a remolded head, Megatron could look very much like Scourge.

At this time, it appears that we will get a gun for Bumblebee, a 2007 Movie Style Sword, and then there are other guns....
I WANT AXE!!!!!!!!!!

At this moment in time, nobody knows what it is, but the most educated guess would probably be his gun.
Dude, first blurry images, and now this. I prefer The Arker now....
Source-TFW2005, Home Source-TF08 (falling off the map)
News Article by James-

BigBadToyStore have sent out this email to pre-orderers of at least one of the Wave 7 Voyagers; Gol'fire Grimlock and Hydrodrive Bumblebee:
Hi - Hasbro has just informed us that this item has been cancelled, and as a result they will not be able to fill our orders. We apologize for the inconvenience. We have cancelled all pre-orders and removed the item from our site.
At this present time, nobody knows what has happened. CHOOSE YOUR OPINION FROM THIS LIST!
- Completely Cancelled
- Postponed to later Wave
- Not to be released at BBTS
- Not to be released in US
Now, at first, I would have been fine, but I've grown to like Hydrodrive Bumblebee and if they have completely cancelled him, then that sucks.
Source-TFW2005, Home Source-BBTS

He has now updated his blog claiming he had no idea what he was taking about.
I'm so nice! Here's a link to Skyquake's profile! I shall start working on what his paint scheme might be, other than that, I absolutely LOVE this Starscream mold, although I wouldn't get this exclusive repaint.
Source-Andrew Wildman's Blog
Monday, February 23, 2009
Article By Destron23, known for many customs and accessories for transformers, is beginning to unveil their next project. What does their next project entail you may ask? Well there aren't many details, but from the image, we can infer that there will be an allspark, stasis cuffs and Rathcet's magnets. The original article can be found here.
Article By Destron23
On YTV's site, there is a new transformers animated contest going on, but along with this new contest, they have posted the official Canadian air date for Transformers Animated Season 3. The contest and info can be found here. The air date will be March 14th 2009.
Source: YTV
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Article By Destron23
Composer Vince Dicola, well known for his musical score for Transformers 1986, has a song being cosidered for Revenge of The Fallen. As the music for the movie has not all been decided yet, there's a chance his song will make it into the movie. His song can be listened to/ downloaded here.
The TDRS forum had this to say:
"Vince has a song being considered for the new Transformers movie due this summer. The final songs have not been chosen yet. For Vince's fans and Transformer fans, I wanted to post the whole song as a free download and encourage those that visit Transformers forums and blogs to post the link to the song. We would like to spread the word that Transformers fans would like to have Vince's contribution to the new franchise. "
It would be quite a fan service if Vince's song could make it into the film. It sounds like it could go into the movie. I can tell the music for the song is definetly his style, although it's a lot different than the 80's songs he's composed. Some of my favourte DiCola songs are Autobot/ Decepticon battle, Unicron's theme and unwelcome visitors, and many more. Though I don't think I like this song, simply for how the lyrics are sung. I would have preferred instrumental, I find the singing's tone to be delivered a bit too gruffly in sound. Though other than that it's a good song.
Source: TDRS music
Article By Destron23
On his blog, Jim Sorenson has posted a page that was meant to appear in the Allspark Almanac book, but didn't quite make the final cut. The page shows Starscream, clones and some jets that appear in animated shown in normal, bright and night colours.
What appears in the page is as follows:
- Starscream
- Skywarp
- Thundercracker
- Ramjet
- Sunstorm
- Female Starscream
- The jet starscream scans/ crimson angel model of that same jet (not Thrust)/ one of the clones we see in A Fistfull of Energon

Source: Deciples of Boltax

MTV has given us an exclusive look at Transformers: ROTF filming footage. In the video it seems to be mainly in the desert, but with scenes at Sam's college & in a library. This video contains many explosions. You can view the video here, although you have to watch the add for "The Uninvited" movie.
TransformerAreCool's Opinion: This is an awesome clip! So many explosions and stuff! I'm not going to say much, but that scene with the helicopter is awesome! I really can't wait for this movie, this is going to be HUGE! Remember to come to UniverseTF for all you Transformers News!
Source: MTV Spoilers
ROTF Long Haul, Jetfire, & Ratchet (FAB)
News Article By: TransformerAreCool

Yizhi521 of tf08 has provided us with new images of ROTF Fast Action Battlers toys of: Jetfire, Long Haul, & Ratchet. Ratchet appears to have a new deco, with the extra dark green and the star. Long haul seems to be like his 1st "leaked" design we saw almost right after ROTF was announced. Jetfire appears to be closer to the trailer, where the legs are the engines, although now we can see the face. Just remember the FAB's are simple versions of the transformers, so these are not EXACTLY what you will see in the movie (or other toys that are larger).
TransformerAreCool's Opinion: This is awesome that we get to see what Jetfire and Long Haul look like. I cannot wait to see the Leader Jetfire, or the (Voyager??) Long Haul. I don't really like the deco of Ratchet, I think the 1st one was fine. My favorite out of the 3 is Long Haul, i think Jetfires' legs are bent to far back (although the Leader/voyager will most likely fix that problem.) It seems they all lack a little in the paint department. I can't wait to see this Movie!
Article By Destron23
The had revealed pictures of the public's first glimpse at ROTF Leader Class Megatron! Shots of the whole box are taken, even the part with his bio, but the Arker decided to leave out Megatron's face in each picture. More photos of ROTF Megatron can be seen by clicking here and here.
Hmmm... I'm not quite sure what to think about this toy. The tank mode looks to tall and cybertronianish (is that a word? LOL) and his robot mode looks a little simple. Maybe I'll need to see the head to make a better judgement. From what I can see, the toy looks like it lacks articulation, but then again, maybe it's the arms that are making me think that. At least the tread feet look nice. I suppose I'll have to see more of the figure to have a better judgement.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
News article by: TransformerAreCool
S250 has revealed something new about the upcoming Transformers Animated season 3. It's the plot for a new 2 part episode of the series.
*Warning Spoilers Below*
Spoiler about Human Autobots:

"Soundwave caught them and threw them into a virtual world, there they all are in human mode. No Prowl's human design because it's the same as his hologram. It's a funny 2 episode story."
TransformerAreCool's Opinion: I think that is neat. I LOVED Soundwave in the animated series. Seems like he is going to kick major @ss in this series! The holograms sound like something from G1, where they could project a human hologram that kind of looked like themselves. I really can't wait until season 3.
Source: S250 & Seibertron
Article by Destron23
According to MegaHavok at, Transformers Animated Waspinator and Samurai Prowl have been spoted in US retail. You can find the original post by clicking here.
Article By Destron23
EBay user Enjoyourtoy has put up for sale on eBay ROTF Legends class Starscream, Megatron and Ratchet. In posting these auctions, the public is shown for the first time these figures. Starscream's auction can be viewed by clicking here. Megatron's auction can be viewed by clicking here. Ratchet's auction can be viewed by clicking here. Sideswipe's auction can be viewed by clicking here

I honestly believe the only good legends were released in the universe 2.0 line. Hasbro's taken a step backwards in the design of their legends class. Maybe it's just the wrong lighting, but Ratchet appears to be the wrong colour. Even the vehicle modes don't even seem to be good looking. Hopefully this step backward in design won't be a trend for Hasbro.
TransformerAreCool's Opinion: These all look nice. Ratchet is odd colored, but the others have nice detail to them. Sideswipe looks very nice and no fake car parts to be seen. Starscream looks a little chunky, but they are just legends class. Personally, I would like to see WST, since they can have basically the same transformation.