The Fate of Mr. Blurr...
News Article by James-
In "Transwarped" last week, you may remember Blurr getting crushed between two walls by none other than Shockwave (something which would have been gladly appreciated in G1). But what everyone wanted to know was whether he was dead or not. Some said that he was dead, he got crushed into a cube, end of. But some others (including me) argued that he could have survived, Beast Wars Waspinator did, so why not him? Well, Derrick.J.Wyatt has once again stepped into the line of fire to put an end to this war.
Take a look at this box:
Notice the spark, which Derrick says, is still beating. What your looking at here is the original animated model of "cube" Blurr. Derrick claims that he has no idea what has happened, it just depends whether the incinerator was switched on when Cliffjumper disposed of him.
Well, there's my brother happy again!
Source-TFW2005, Home Source-A Delightful Tedium