News Article by Disguy4-
Target.com has just put up orders for one of the Transformers Animated Leader Class figures. Target is now selling the Leader Class Ultra Magnus figure on their website. The toy will cost approximately 40 dollars and features electronic lights and sounds. so if you are looking for an Autobot to lead your Elite Guard Figures, go check our Target.com NOW!
This is pretty neat. I'm not interested in buying Transformers Animated toys off of the Internet seeing as the toys are already in stores, but for people who purchase their Transformers off of the web or just cannot wait for this figure to be released, this would be GREAT news. I love this figure (who doesn't love a robot who can carry an axe?), but his mouth is very disappointing. As mentioned in a previous post about this figure, his mouth kind of looks like a marionette. But I can look past that, from what I have seen, he is a DEFINITE must have.
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