Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Autobot or Decepticon?

News Article by Disguy4-
FirstPredator of TFW2005 has reported sightings of Autobot and Decepticon Masks. These sightings originate from the Philippines and were being given away as a gift for purchasing products at SM Mega Mall during the launch of the Transformers Animated toys on June 21, 2008. One mask would be the red Autobot insignia and the other would be the purple Decepticon insignia. On the inside of the masks, you can find the Hasbro trademark.
If I had the opportunity, I would definitely try to pick these masks up. I like both, but I am especially enjoying the Autobot insignia mask. I wouldn't necessarily wear the masks, but I would definitely display them above my desk or something along those lines. Since these were only distributed in the Philippines, you may have to result to Ebay of you want to pick these suckers up... Filipino Pride!

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