News Article by Disguy4-
Yes it is true, it has been confirmed that the Dinobots will NOT be in Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen. This new information pretty much shoots down an article which I had put up this past week entitled "Dinobots IN Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen." The news was confirmed by both of the writers for the film, Robert Orci and Alex Kurtzman. Orci's reasoning for excluding the Dinobots from the sequel is the following:
"We couldn't quite figure out how to justify a robot that would pretend to be a dinosaur."
Along with the news of the Dinobots, the writers have confirmed the theme of the movie. The 2007 movie was about a boy and his car whereas this film will be about:
"It’s about being away from home. It’s a few years later and Sam is going to finally go to college and he’s going to face being away from home just as the Autobots are having to deal with being away from Cybertron."
This is SUCKY news! I was REALLY hoping the Dinobots could be included in the sequel to the 2007 movie. Who needs reasoning, Grimlock is a dinosaur because he WANTS to be a dinosaur. Just for that, I am NOT watching the sequel....
Just kidding. I can handle the news. It isn't anything major. But if they don't have the Constructicons, I'm going to be pissed... :)
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