News Article by Disguy4-
On the days of July 26 an July 27, the 2008 Truckstar Festival was hosted. The festival was hosted at the TT race track in Assen, Netherlands. At the event, truckers from all around Europe show off what they've got. There is one event of interest that occurred at the festival, which is the Airbrush Competition. A very special contestant won. Jan Brandt, who won the contest, won with his Optimus Prime inspired color scheme The truck has a HUMONGOUS picture of Optimus Prime and looks pretty cool. Congratulations Jan!
This man named Jan is very smart :) He knows that you can never go wrong with robots. Transformers, Boogie Bots, Gundam... But seriously, this is pretty neat. It is about time that some trucker realizes that they could attract a lot of attention if their truck is similar to a Transformer. You can check out the rest of the pictures at the following link:
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