Thursday, July 10, 2008

Transformers:ROTF Trailer

News Article by Disguy4-

Nelson, who participates in the Official Michael Bay forums, was able to share some "information" on the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen clip that will be shown at the San Diego Comic Con. When asked if the clip will be a trailer for the movie, Nelson responded:

"No, November would be better"
Now this could be a hint that a trailer for the sequel will indeed be released some time in November or it could just be his thoughts. So if you are dying to see some action from the upcoming movie, pay attention to the previews this November!

I am TOTALLY excited for the sequel to one of the most AWESOME movies I have ever seen. Michael Bay has already said that it will be much better than the original and that there will be more footage of the robots doing their thing. How awesome could this movie be if it is going to be better than a movie that was already AWESOME? And with new bots coming into the story such as Jetfire/Skyfire, Arcee, and possibly Prowl, I am prepared to be blown away next summer.

Source- Allspark

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