Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Universe Ultra Silverbolt Found At US Retail!

News article by Disguy4-

Reports from around the web at such sites like Seibertron and TFW2005 have told of sightings for the Universe Ultra class Silverbolt figure. This figure was not supposed to be released for at least 3-5 weeks. The sightings have come from the Georgia and Virginia areas. Most of these sightings have come from Target stores. "Barrelass" of has found Silverbolt by using so he would know what stores had them in stock.

LUCKY Barrelass! I want this figure so badly. I have been looking forward to this figure for SUCH A LONG TIME! To be precise, I have been wanting this figure ever since pictures first started popping up of this figure. I love this figure so much that If I could only purchase one more figure from the Universe line, the Silverbolt figure would probably be it. (Besides Unicron and G1 Optimus Prime.) so if you have been looking forward to this figure and need him NOW like me, get ready for this guy to start popping up at your local Target!


1 comment:


i found all the voyagers all of the new one but i dint bring money!!!!!!!
i was so pissseed