Tuesday, September 23, 2008


News Article by James Kirk-

We have some pretty good stuff here. First, the identity of the Chevy Corvette (as pictured) has been revealed...Sideswipe! Also, Ravage, the G1 Jaguar companion of Soundwave has also been confirmed for the sequel.
In toy news, the seven Constructicons will combine into a Supreme class toy, and although none were taken, pictures of Leader class Optmus Prime and Megatron have been shown. Optimus Prime will be a new mold with new transformation and Megatron has now been completely confirmed for the sequel.
The Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen toyline will debut in May 2009, one month before the film is released!
Wow, wow, wow. Sideswipe, awesome! Ravage, awesome! Constructicons, awesome! Optimus, ok. Megatron, damn.

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