Basically, these guys are Optimus Prime,Megatron and Grimlock repaints from the Classics 1.0 line two-pack: Here's Optimus an Megatron in an every better G1 Paint scheme.

These packs have had no confirmed release date or any word as to whether they will be store exclusives or not. To see the other pictures, click the link:
EDIT: These will be HasbroToyShop exclusives
Must say I am actually really digging the new Megatron paint scheme! Definitely picking up Drag Strip and possibly this new Megatron if they are not exclusives.
Patrick: WHOO HOO! That Overkill is kick A$$!! i've already pre-ordered one. I never thought Hasbro would make one. Of course It's got a pretty nasty blue and no silver detailing, I still really like it. What would have been amazing if he actually transformed into a casset like the new ravage will. The cool thing is Im actually Re-Painting Energon Cruellock into Overkill right now!

Source-TFW2005 custom Cruellock by Patrick
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