Saturday, October 18, 2008

Deep Space Starscream Hits the UK!

News Article by StuntPrime35-

So on 17th of October, adverts for the Christmas Argos catalogue light up my screen, and then in a nice twist of fate, I go to Bromley the next day and am able to pick it up. But get this, having a flick through it, I notice that Deep Space Starscream is in it! For us UK fans, this is big since we missed out on the Premium line, so if your desperate, go to your nearest Argos and pick him up for an astounding £9.99! I have!
Unfortunatley, I can't open it until my birthday which is on the 27th of October :(. But still, expect a review from me then and go get him yourself while the gettings good or whatever that phrase is....
Source-UniverseTF Exclusive!

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