EDIT-We have been informed that this is merely a digibash. Sorry for the inconvenience (especially you Mr. Slegos :) )
News Article by Disguy4-
Transformersarecool, one of our good friends from Youtube, has sent me a picture that I have NEVER seen before. This image is of Transformers Animated Blaster. This figure is obviously a repaint/retool of the Transformers Animated Soundwave figure. The figure is now in a red, black, and yellow color scheme and now has a new head. It is unknown how old this picture is, if it is going to be an official Hasbro product, or if it just a fan made custom repaint.
This looks pretty awesome! If you read my previous post, you would know that I am not a big fan of repaints, but this figure just looks awesome. The Transformers Animated Soundwave mold is a great mold and looks great as an Animated Blaster figure. I am hoping that this is an official repaint made by Hasbro, and not just a fan made custom so I can pick this guy up! If you have any other information on this repaint, or know if it is a old or pretty recent picture, leave us a message on our forums.
Source-UniverseTF Exclusive
It's an obvious digibash, a pretty good one but the head gives it away. There were quite a few doesk upset at TFW but hey, they're always asshats bitching or questioning something's validity there. "We DEMAND proof!!!' lol I like it and think someone should at least do a custom of it.
Proof of the d-bash is his right wheel on his upper arm, Soundwaves colors in the spokes behind the wheel. Thats hard to cover up.
thanks for your kindness.
its a pretty cool custom at lese
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