Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Transformers Animated Blaster? (A Fake)

EDIT-We have been informed that this is merely a digibash. Sorry for the inconvenience (especially you Mr. Slegos :) )
News Article by Disguy4-

Transformersarecool, one of our good friends from Youtube, has sent me a picture that I have NEVER seen before. This image is of Transformers Animated Blaster. This figure is obviously a repaint/retool of the Transformers Animated Soundwave figure. The figure is now in a red, black, and yellow color scheme and now has a new head. It is unknown how old this picture is, if it is going to be an official Hasbro product, or if it just a fan made custom repaint.

This looks pretty awesome! If you read my previous post, you would know that I am not a big fan of repaints, but this figure just looks awesome. The Transformers Animated Soundwave mold is a great mold and looks great as an Animated Blaster figure. I am hoping that this is an official repaint made by Hasbro, and not just a fan made custom so I can pick this guy up! If you have any other information on this repaint, or know if it is a old or pretty recent picture, leave us a message on our forums.

Source-UniverseTF Exclusive


Unknown said...

It's an obvious digibash, a pretty good one but the head gives it away. There were quite a few doesk upset at TFW but hey, they're always asshats bitching or questioning something's validity there. "We DEMAND proof!!!' lol I like it and think someone should at least do a custom of it.

Unknown said...

Proof of the d-bash is his right wheel on his upper arm, Soundwaves colors in the spokes behind the wheel. Thats hard to cover up.

XD said...

thanks for your kindness.

sk8colton said...

its a pretty cool custom at lese