Monday, October 20, 2008

New Animated and Universe Pictures!

News Article by StuntPrime35-

BBTS has put up tons of new images for many new pre-orders of figures we haven't even seen yet! With Animated we have:

- Waspinator and Samurai Prowl

- Wreck-Gar

- Atomic Lugnut

And for Universe:

- Leo Prime

- Dinobot and Smokescreen

EDIT: BBTS has now recieved pictures of Universe Overload. Get ready for another lump of your daily disappointment:

Lets start with Waspinator. If Season 3 comes around he will obviously be taking on this wasp mode. I don't think any of us expected this mode though. I was expecting his Cybertronian mode! Samurai Prowl looks amazing! Looks like there is no ninja stars though... thats why i'm getting Universe Cheetor! Wreck-Gar also looks awesome! Then we get to Atomic Lugnut... (cough).

Universe Leo Prime is a bit of a disappointment. I was expecting a new mold, not yet ANOTHER repaint of Leobreaker! But Dinobot and Smokescreen are must haves. Just got to wait now for Classics Red Alert...

Source-TFW2005, Home Source-BigBadToyStore

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