Tuesday, September 30, 2008

UK Animated Two-Packs Vary!

News Article by James Kirk-

While checking out the UK Toys'R'Us website after my recent purchase of Universe Classics Prowl, I found the twin pack that has been in the news. Turns out that it is not just a Rachet and Bumblebee pack, there are at least two! The other packs are unknown as there are no options to choose from, but so far it looks like the figures included only go up to Wave 2.

EDIT: Two packs have been confirmed as The Revenge of Blackarachnia and Battle in Space

Source-UniverseTF Exclusive

New 25th Anniversary Pictures!

News Article by James Kirk-

Tf08 provides us with a first real look at Cyclonus:

While TFW2005 gives us some official pictures of Starscream:

Although I was expecting a bit more purple on Cyclonus, he still looks like a really impressive figure. Starscream, glad to have missed out on the Classics 1.0 version!

Source-TFW2005, Cyclonus Pictures from TF08

Monday, September 29, 2008

City Commander EDIT

News Article by James Kirk- and Patrick Cuddy
Thats right people, Ultra Magnus' armor has arrived and the people who pre-ordered are going to be pretty excited! But, for those who couldn't pre-order, nows the chance to scavenge for those remaining!

EDIT: Im not sure were your getting your set, but I know you got it cheaper... (envy you.... :) But i've checked as both BigBadToyStore and TFsource which to my knowledge are the only places you can get them, and they do not have this item in stock. In-fact BBTS has moved there previous estimation of the set to arrive from September, to early October. So I don't think you should give the thumbs up on the release date just yet.
Awesome! Just hope nobody finds my site...
Source-UniverseTF Exclusive!

New Pictures of 25th Anniversary!

News Article by James Kirk-

Here we have:


Won't be getting Prime but Inferno looks better every time I see it!


Reprolabels Update!

News Article by James Kirk-

Reprolabels have updated their site for October:

- For $7, Animated Cartoon Style Autobot Symbols

- For $7, Animated Cartoon Style Decepticon Symbols

- For $5, Animated Cartoon Style Elite Guard Symbols

- For $9, STF Devastator Add on Stickers

- For $12, Binaltech Arcee Details

The cartoon symbols are great, but $12 for Arcee? Bit much.

Source-UniverseTF Exclusive, Home Source-Reprolabels

Animated Rescue Ratchet Pack in UK

News Article by James Kirk-

The Rescue Ratchet pack with Legends Starscream and Prowl as pictured: is a Target exclusive in the USA. But, for you British wanters, this pack has been announced as a Tesco Direct Exclusive. The similar Stealth Lockdown Pack has still to be announced.
NOOOOO! Its infesting my beautiful country. NNNNOOOOOOOOO!
Source-TFW2005, Home Source-Tesco

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Titanium Grimlock, animated Ultra Magnus and other Wave 4 Deluxes Released!!!

News Article by Disguy4- and Patrick Cuddy

Commtech, of TFW2005, has recently made an exciting find at a Target located in California. Apparently this find was of the NEW Leader Class Ultra Magnus figure. Commtech has been kind enough to supply us with a picture of the Ultra Magnus figures he has picked up, and a receipt to prove that the figures were purchased at Target.
Patrick Cuddy went to Toys-r-us today to check what was in-stock for the Transformers matrix show. There he found all of the wave 4 animated figures (Ultra Magnus, sentinel, swoop, bumble bee, ect.) and also spotted Titanium Prowl and Grimlock. The store was also fully loaded with Unicrons.

This is a very neat find. I already own the Animated Ultra Magnus figure, but to those of you out there who do not yet own it, I would definitely go check out your local Target's to see if Ultra Magnus has made a pit stop by your area. The figure is awesome, a good robot AND alternate mode, neat color scheme, nice lights and sounds.... The only thing I can think of that people may not like would be the hammer, seeing as Ultra Magnus must hold the hammer halfway up the staff, causing the hammer to look short.

Patrick- Swoop is amazing!!! such a great mold.  although they only painted on 5 colors. Not taking grimlock out of packaging. looks damn nice in there. Great find. Definitely hit up TRU.
Source-TFW2005- and UniverseTF exclusive!

First Video Look at City Commander Set!

News Article by James Kirk-

Here, nujevad28 shows us how to disassemble and put on the armor of City Commander. 

Very nice. Make sure to look out for Sean's and Patrick's reviews of City Commander and, if it stays in stock at my secret retailer, my own at the end of October/early November.
Source-TFW2005, Home Source-Youtube

Friday, September 26, 2008

Universe Starscream in Package!

News Article by James Kirk-

Very nice box art, take a look:

I like the neat little chrome thing they have done at the top there!


Takara Website Update!

News Article by James Kirk-

I am rather hoping to get Henkei Powerglide for it's heck of a lot better paint job. Must say that the Onslaught paint job is growing on me as well! Might get him as well...

Source-TFW2005, Home Source-Takara

Loads of New Pictures!

News Article by James Kirk-
Over the past few hours, TFW2005 has recieved so many new pictures, that I have decided to squish them all into one article! So here we have:

- TFCC New Front Cover

- Animated Rescue Ratchet:http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/animated-8/transformers-animated-rescue-ratchet-first-impressions-and-images-165886/

- Both Alternity Convoy Colours:http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/alternators-10/new-images-of-alternity-convoy-165887/

- UK Exclusive Ratchet and Bumblebee Pack

- 25th Anniversary Hound and Ravage

Click on the links to see the other pictures!

Tons of stuff here! Looking forward to the silver Alternity Convoy (which I have named Downshift), The Hound and Ravage pack, 25th Smokescreen and Cosmos, the list goes on. Rescue Ratchet AAAAARRRRHHHHHH MY EYES!

Source-TFW2005, Some Pictures from TF08

Thursday, September 25, 2008

New Pictures of 25th Anniversary Starscream!

News Article by James Kirk-

Why pay an extra few quid on the Henkei when you can buy the upcoming Universe Starscream! Check out these new pictures:

As you can see, slightly different to the Henkei in colour scheme, but if anything even more show accurate! This is a must buy figure!

Animated Update

News Article by James Kirk-

So here is the lowdown:
- Sidecar Prowl is a definate and so therefore will premiere in the UK
- Beachcomber, for the moment, has been cut from Animated Season 3
- Animated S3 hasn't even been officially announced yet! It's a long way off from being made.

Yey for me! Shame about Animated though. Who knew it was just a rumor!
Source-Seibertron (great job on getting the site back!)

TFCC Confirmations

News Article by James Kirk-

We have some new figure confirmations from the TFCC's Magazine. They are:
- Universe Smokescreen
- Legends Warpath
- Robot Heroes Prowl VS Laserbeak
More will be announced when the actual thing comes out. All of these figures will be released in Wave 2 of the 25th Anniversary Line. You can see pictures of these figures in the Members Only Club Forums.

Looking forward to Smokescreen, but Warpath is a bit disappointing. A Deluxe class would have been a lot better.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New BBTS pre-orders

Article By: Patrick Cuddy
 BBTS now has Universe inferno, cyclonus, Hound, new Starscream and Cheetor And repaint Vector Prime
Animated Bumblebee (in a package wave5, maybe repaint) animated voyager skywarp, BB Soundwave, Deluxe Blurr Swindlevoyager shockwave for preorder 
-Vector Prime Repaint
Starscream- WOW

Blazing Lockdown

BB Soundwave

Blurr Swindle Lockdown and Bumblebee 4 pack

(Gay) Shadowblade Megs





Allright! It's gonna be good!! Can't wait for the new animated deluxes and Universe Inferno, that thing is da bomb!!!

Source- Transformersarecool from the UniverseTF Fourms! and BBTS

More New Pictures of 25th Special Edition Drag Strip!

News Article by James Kirk-

Here is the box art and production image:

Drag Strip is up for pre-order on HasbroToyShop.com

Hopefully Amzon UK might be able to get us this. We can get Nemesis Prime and we can get this!


Animated Prowl's Concept Images

News Article by James Kirk-

Take a look at the stages here. He started off with G1 Prowl colours but still had that almighty chin:

I do prefer the new Prowls better than the other two.


Transformers Revenge Of The Fallen Transformers Tuesday Special From ET and The Insider

Article by Sean Long

ET and The Insider bring you a Exclusive Look at Transformers Revenge of The Fallen on Transformers Tuesday, September 23, 2008.

I was working on another video and saw it was coming on and Decided to film this for Transformers Fans Everywhere. I try to make it clear, steady, and edited both ET and The Insider's Segments together. I put this up for Fans that missed it and Didn't See It Yet.

Besides the Editing to put the video segments together and Filming it onto my Camera all the Credit goes to ET, The Insider, Michael Bay, and The Cast and Crew of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen.

Sean Long's Opinion: I'm So EXCITED for this Movie! As Excited I Was to See The First One if not MORE! Hope You Guys Liked that I filmed this for you guys for all of you who missed it :)

Source: ET, The Insider, UNIVERSETF

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

BBTS is Selling New Universe Ultra (repaint)

Article by: Patrick Cuddy
BBTS has updated there site with a new universe ultra. It is called Predicon Bruticus and is a repaint of the cybertron Scourge. 

I do like the cybertron Scourge, though I never got it. It's a maybe on this one. I need all the special editions first!
Source- BBTS and special thanks to Transformersarecool from youtube/Universe Fourms

article by onslaughtfan94

i was on bigbadtoystore.com looking for stuff and while looking at animated i noticed that jetfire and jetstorm are going to be released in a entertainment 2-pack.no pic yet but it is set to get to bbts in november.so good luck

in opinion

cool.thanks hasbro now i dont have to pay 40.00 bucks to get them

Impossible Toys to do G1 Exo-Suit Spike!

News Article by James Kirk-

The makers of many human Transformers figures have now announced a transforming exo-suit Spike. According to one of the makers, it will be 7-8cm's tall:

It is planned for a late 2008 release.

This is very appealing to me. Might get it.



News Article by James Kirk-

We have some pretty good stuff here. First, the identity of the Chevy Corvette (as pictured) has been revealed...Sideswipe! Also, Ravage, the G1 Jaguar companion of Soundwave has also been confirmed for the sequel.
In toy news, the seven Constructicons will combine into a Supreme class toy, and although none were taken, pictures of Leader class Optmus Prime and Megatron have been shown. Optimus Prime will be a new mold with new transformation and Megatron has now been completely confirmed for the sequel.
The Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen toyline will debut in May 2009, one month before the film is released!
Wow, wow, wow. Sideswipe, awesome! Ravage, awesome! Constructicons, awesome! Optimus, ok. Megatron, damn.

25th Special Edition Wave 2?!

News Article by James Kirk-

The Australian fan base Ozformers has given us some information that there might be a Wave 2 of the 25th Anniversary Special Edition sub-line. The robots featured in this line are (if it happens):
- Cliffjumper
- A Red Mirage
- Nemisis Prime
The red Mirage is a mystery, but the news of a re-release of Cliffjumper is awesome for the guys who missed out on the Classics 1.0 line (like me)! Also, Nemisis Prime is a mystery. Is it going to be a repaint of Special Edition Optimus Prime? Keep watching UniverseTF to find out!

Source-TFW2005, Home Source-Ozformers

New Pictures of 25th Special Edition Figures!

News Article by James Kirk-

Thanks to Cybertron Phillipines, we've got our first look of Drag Strip and some more pictures of the other figures! So:

- Drag Strip

- Megatron

- Overkill

- Optimus Prime

As I said, this new Megatron paint scheme is really going in my good books, and Drag Strip is a must buy as well!

Source-TFW2005, Home Source-Cybertron Phillipines

Monday, September 22, 2008

Images of Universe 25th anniversary Inferno and Vector Prime

Article By: Patrick Cuddy
New Images of the Universe 25th anniversary Voyager Inferno an Vector Prime have surfaced on TFW2005, Click here to view more out of box pictures.

Inferno looks amazing, such a great look to it. Never got vector prime, But diggin the new colors. Not sure why he's in the 25th anniversary set, I'll do some research. Lovin Inferno, can't wait for him.

Source- TFW2005

Robert Orci Speaks on TF2

News Article By Disguy4 and James Kirk

Robert Orci, writer for the movie "Transformers" and it's sequel "Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen" has given use even more info on the upcoming sequel. When the topic of a triple changer being featured in the sequel was brought up, all Orci had to say was:

"Talked about it. Does a combiner count? We figure a triple changer is a good idea for part 3."

Orci has also announced that we will be seeing some more bickering between the two Decepticons, Megatron and Starscream. Another notable piece of information is that there is talk that optimus Prime may be able to combine with another robot in the sequel! If this doesn't happen, there may be a trailer for Prime.

*UPDATE* Jetfire is the robot which will apparently combine with Optimus

This is AWESOME news! I'm not TOO disappointed that there will be no triple changers in the sequel, I'm just happy that the Constructicons will be in on the action. Another piece of info that excited me was the news about Optimus Prime. If he will be able to combine with another robot in the sequel, could the other robot possibly be Ultra Magnus? Together, the two could form Omega Prime. If not Ultra Magnus, could we possibly be seeing a combination of Megatron and Optimus to form Guitar? But hey, if this Optimus Prime combining news isn't legit, at least I may be getting a trailer for my Movie Prime figure.

James' Opinion- Jetfire combining with Optimus, original... Anyway, it's still pretty cool stuff happening here!


New Images of Classics Special Edition Repaints

News Article by James Kirk and Patrick Cuddy

Basically, these guys are Optimus Prime,Megatron and Grimlock repaints from the Classics 1.0 line two-pack: Here's Optimus an Megatron in an every better G1 Paint scheme.Also, Universe Drag Strip and Overkill have been confirmed! Check out the picture:

These packs have had no confirmed release date or any word as to whether they will be store exclusives or not. To see the other pictures, click the link:http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/universe-classics-20-29/transformers-universe-special-edition-165839/

EDIT: These will be HasbroToyShop exclusives

Must say I am actually really digging the new Megatron paint scheme! Definitely picking up Drag Strip and possibly this new Megatron if they are not exclusives.

Patrick: WHOO HOO! That Overkill is kick A$$!! i've already pre-ordered one. I never thought Hasbro would make one. Of course It's got a pretty nasty blue and no silver detailing, I still really like it. What would have been amazing if he actually transformed into a casset like the new ravage will. The cool thing is Im actually Re-Painting Energon Cruellock into Overkill right now!

Source-TFW2005 custom Cruellock by Patrick